We have two ancestral lineages: our blood lineage and our & spiritual lineage. Our blood lineage is directly related to our family ancestry – our parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc. Our spiritual lineage are our Spirit Teachers, those that we know as our Ancestral Kin that can be from any culture. Communicating with the Ancestors is a vital practice in shamanic cultures. We can draw … Read more about Two Ancestral Lineages
Shamanic Practitioner
Introduction to Soul Loss
Soul loss literally means that someone has lost part of their soul, their ‘pure essence’. This usually happens through traumatic experiences. In the moment we experience trauma, the part of us/of our soul that cannot handle the situation will leave us for the time being so we survive and get through what is happening. It is a wonderful survival mechanism that we have. However, the difficulties … Read more about Introduction to Soul Loss
Practice of the Hollow Bone
The intention of this practice is to leave thoughts behind, to find ourselves fully present in the moment in order to enter non-ordinary reality. It helps slow you down and enter the journey in a slightly altered state from where they will begin the journey. During the Shamanic Practitioner training this is further explored. … Read more about Practice of the Hollow Bone
The Power of Merging
Within shamanic practices there is a method that is commonly used for specific areas in shamanic work to temporarily experience the state of being ‘power filled’, or fully ‘protected’. This is achieved through merging with a spirit ally. When the merging takes place, the spirit ally is entering our body and also the aura of the ally is merging with ours and fills any gaps or frictions there are. … Read more about The Power of Merging