While it is possible to learn about shamanism and shamanic practices through books and other resources, having a shamanic teacher can offer several benefits. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider working with a shamanic teacher: Safety: Working with a shamanic teacher can help ensure that you are practicing shamanism in a safe and responsible way. A teacher can provide guidance … Read more about Why do you need a Shamanic Teacher?
Teacher Training
Coronation from a Shamanic Perspective
Today, in the United Kingdom, the King was coronated. From a shamanic point of view, the coronation ceremony has historically been an important ritual for transferring power and establishing the sovereignty of a new ruler. The archetype of the sovereign is a powerful symbol in many shamanic traditions, representing the idea of a wise and just ruler who is able to govern with compassion and … Read more about Coronation from a Shamanic Perspective
Finding Your North
The North holds different meanings to different people. For some it is the place of the teacher and at Embracing Shamanism we can help guide you to stepping into the place of teacher in our Shamanic Teacher Training course. More information can be found here. … Read more about Finding Your North
What is a Psychic Virus?
How do you invite these viruses in and make yourself your own worst enemy? A Psychic Virus is a thought form, a belief system, a lie perhaps that you believe and that gets into your fields and begins to take over your psyche, just like a virus. Those are real. The Codependent Archetype, for example, invites more psychic viruses in than many other Archetypes. Smudging will not do it in the long … Read more about What is a Psychic Virus?
Do you have the call to be a Shamanic Teacher?
Our Shamanic Teacher Training is designed for practitioners who are deeply committed to the shamanic path and who have the calling to teach, or who are teaching already and want to sharpen their skills. As the interest in Shamanism continues to expand, there is a parallel need for a greater number of teachers. Drawing on over twenty years of teaching experience in Shamanism, Twobirds has crafted … Read more about Do you have the call to be a Shamanic Teacher?
A Healthy Ego System
‘I am just going to do ‘estimable’ things in my life that help build up my sense of value with myself’. A healthy ego is about feeling good about yourself in relationship to yourself. And sometimes we do that through doing really nice things to other people, by setting goals and accomplishing them, by honouring commitments to ourselves – we feed positive feedback loops to ourselves. That is how we … Read more about A Healthy Ego System
What is a Healthy Ego?
A healthy ego is having a genuine sense for yourself. When you don’t have to take power from other people in order to feel powerful. You don’t have to devalue others in order to value yourself. You don’t have to be in an inner war with yourself on perfectionism and your flaws. You can have the ‘all in’ attitude and this is crucial for having a healthy ego. Both our Shamanic Teacher Training and … Read more about What is a Healthy Ego?
What is a Psychic Virus?
It is a thought form, a belief system, a lie perhaps that you believe and that gets into your fields and begins to take over your psyche, just like a virus. Those are real. How do you invite these viruses in and make yourself your own worst enemy? The Codependent for example invites more psychic viruses in than many other Archetypes. Smudging will not do it in the long run. Go to your patterns. We … Read more about What is a Psychic Virus?
The Prostitute as a Survival Archetype
The Prostitute in its shadow you bargain your value and your power. For example you compromise your integrity and your dreams by holding on to a job that does not serve you, but it pays the bills. Where do you have the vulnerability of selling out to survive? This is not about right or wrong – just name it. Here in the disruption stage the bargaining phase is coming on line, it’s a natural part of … Read more about The Prostitute as a Survival Archetype
The Saboteur Archetype
This is often done through another Archetype such as The Addict, The Perfectionist, or The Adult Child. As The Adult Child you had to grow up fast to raise your parents, because they were stuck in addiction and didn’t grow up emotionally. You were on your own. You were the abandoned and the adult child. So now you have The Adult Child that wants to parent everyone, and as you do that you lose … Read more about The Saboteur Archetype