The term ‘Ancestor’ can be used in three different ways: 1 It holds the family line only 2 It refers to the culture or the tribe 3 It includes any human being from any culture that has walked this earth before us. This month we will be exploring the Ancestral Realms with a shamanic perspective. Learn more about Ancestral Healing in our Shamanic Practitioner Training … Read more about Ancestors
The Anatomy of Spiritual Calling
This is a big one to take in: A calling calls you. You don’t vision board one, you don’t create one with your ego-based esteem mind. A calling calls ‘you’. It’s a crucial one to understand, especially when we get to the being nobody point in the chaos cycle, because that’s when the phone can finally ring. In other words: A calling oftentimes comes outside anything your mind could have conjured up. … Read more about The Anatomy of Spiritual Calling
What are callings about?
Callings are about the unique service you were born to give the world. This is a different level that pulls you out of the personal wounded ego agenda. Callings play at a different level. They activate a different level, they require soul esteem. They require a certain capacity of soul resiliency and self-connection. Callings are about your power on the holographic grit of life – they are about … Read more about What are callings about?
Those who are called to teach….
Changes await all who are called to teach our Shamanic Teacher Training to guide through the dark nights of this journey, leading to deeper personal insights, ultimately helping others in the process of transformation and change. … Read more about Those who are called to teach….
Sacred anger
Sacred anger rises up in us when we know that the wholeism of another has been violated, or a wholistic principle of life is being violated and it is a beautiful force. Learn how to harness it here … Read more about Sacred anger
Power of Prayer
We send out energy that is ‘charged’ with unconditional love, with healing thoughts towards a person that we know and love, we send out prayers into the war zones, we send light to those that are less fortunate than we are etc. This is a way of contributing to beauty in the world that is always available to us. As we send out thoughts and feelings of love, kindness and compassion, their impact on … Read more about Power of Prayer
The Importance of Integration.
Shamanism is a path of self-empowerment and it is equally as important if someone comes seeking shamanic health they understand the healing process that has been set in motion through the healing they received. They can meet the healing half way so to say. Encourage people to actively engage with different elements of the healing story. Offering inspirations for integration can sometimes be a the … Read more about The Importance of Integration.
Radical Acceptance
I want to impress upon you that this can be a choice. Always start where you are, and always start with authenticity, with what is really happening in your system. Grounding into your shield of authenticity. You come back to you, your process, even your flawed approaches to boundaries, and what’s true is ‘this is my journey of love. This is all I feel, this is where I’m at, this is where I got … Read more about Radical Acceptance
What are Power Threats?
Power threats are threats to your value and your esteem. 90% of the time you are not managing physical threats, but threats to your power and your esteem and your value and that is what manages your boundary system. That is what your boundary system is engineered consciously or unconsciously to do, to manage power threats. Does that insight not change the game?! In other words: what is under … Read more about What are Power Threats?
Exciting annoucement….
Embracing Shamanism is excited to announce that Heart of the Wild has been granted charitable status. Heart of the Wild is a charity being established by a group of dedicated shamanic practitioners and teachers. Their primary aim at this early stage is to acquire land and establish a centre in rural Scotland with a view to offering workshops and training courses in both contemporary and ancient … Read more about Exciting annoucement….