2-7 September
(starts Tuesday evening 6pm)
This six-day training course is designed for those wishing to conduct their own Sweatlodge Ceremonies. It will include comprehensive guidance on the safe use and authentic content for a successful Lodge. Participants will have the opportunity to experience all the principal roles both in preparation and in conducting Sweatlodge Ceremonies.
This will include:
- Taking the role as lodge pourer, fire keeper, stone carrier, door person and of course participant.
- The building of a Sweatlodge structure and preparation of the Lodge site.
- Knowledge about the history and cosmology of the Sweatlodge.
- Insights on sacred herbs, incenses, drums, rattles, and other items that are used within the ceremonies.
- Teachings on both the spiritual and practical aspects of conducting a Sweatlodge Ceremony.
- Teachings on the Medicine Wheel, the Web of Life, Shamanic Principles, and the Power of Prayer.
We will be undertaking three Sweatlodge Ceremonies.
Twobirds has over twenty-five years of experience in running Sweatlodges and wishes to pass on her knowledge by providing a sound foundation for others to facilitate this beautiful ceremony.

Pricing & Information
Maximum number of participants: 18
Venue: Anam Cara, Inverness
Total Cost: £760 (fully residential)
Trainer & Support Team Fee: £385
Accommodation and Food: £375
Course pre-requisite: It is necessary that every participant has taken part in at least one sweatlodge prior to the training.
If you want to join a Sweatlodge Ceremony, you can find contact details on our list of individuals who offer them on a regular basis.